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Brownsburg Info

If you are just looking for more information concerning the Brownsburg, Indiana area, check out the following links and info bits for your easy reference:

Brownsburg Youth Sports Teams (not school related)

  • Girls softball info is available at their website at www.bgsl.org. They offer slow and fast pitch leagues for ages U6-U19.
  • Soccer offers both spring and fall leagues.  There is both local and travel teams for most age groups.
    Find more info at www.brownsburgsoccer.org.
  • Brownsburg Junior Football info can be found at www.brownsburgjuniorfootball.com.

  • Brownsburg Youth Basketball is available for both girls and boys.  Visit www.brownsburgbasketball.org.

  • The Brownsburg Baseball league has had tremendous success--they have been finalist to the Little League world series several times and Indiana State Champs many times.  They also began offering fast pitch softball for girls recently.  Most games are played at Arbuckle.  For more info, go to www.brownsburgbaseball.com.

Hendricks County Info

Indianapolis Info

Brownsburg is located within 20-30 minutes of most everything in Indianapolis.

  • Digital City Indianapolis - Find places to eat and things to do.
  • Indy.com - The online gathering place for everything Indy
  • Indianapolis Star - The largest newspaper in the state has a great website and you don't have to worry about the paper being late.

Indiana Info

The state of Indiana is small in size but big on hospitality!


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This site was last updated 11/22/06